Leslie Weller has sued Gillian Flynn, author of the book Gone Girl, and a host of others for infringing Wellers’s copyright in a novel titled Out of the Blue. What is interesting about this case (aside from the fact that every successful movie seems to be based upon copyright infringement) is the case for access by defendant. Plaintiff emailed her script to a consultant whose books were edited by who was represented by the Levine Greenberg who also represented defendant Flynn
Plaintiff’s claim is on its face plausible, but so convoluted, that defendant may be able to break the chain. However, this Complaint, and others like it, are a reminder of the importance of keeping records of development, whether its a story as here, or a computer program or some other work, to be able to prove independent creation.
Plaintiff’s Complaint does identify a number of similarities in between Gone Girl and Out of the Blue, and it will be interesting to see the defendants response. If there was no infringement, hopefully defendants have records to show the independent creation.